立法會三讀通過修訂《版權條例》 X
07/12/2022 22:21
<匯港通訊>   立法會三讀通過修訂《版權條例》。修例為版權擁有人引入科技中立的專有傳播權利,並訂定相關侵權行為的刑事法律責任。草案亦修訂和擴闊版權豁免的範圍,允許某些在互聯網上常見的活動使用版權作品等。 (BC)

#立法會  #版權條例

Infocast Limited and its information providers endeavour to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, but do not guarantee its accuracy and reliability and accept no liability (whether in tort or contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions.